Windows 10 30 fps lock free.Windows 10 desktop and ui running at 30 fps

Windows 10 30 fps lock free.Windows 10 desktop and ui running at 30 fps

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Windows 10 30 fps lock free.Locking to 30fps on PC, what's the best way to give the "console feel"? 



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Log in. Top Bottom. Hide Images. Gaming Forum. Gaming Hangouts. EtcetEra Forum. EtcetEra Hangouts. Trending Threads. Latest threads. Open new ticket Watched. Locking to 30fps on PC, what's the best way to give the "console feel"? Thread starter memoryman3 Start date Nov 26, Forums Discussion Gaming Forum.

JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Oct 26, 4, Most ingame v-sync options seem to give me more input lag or have a weird sluggishness to them. Locking to RTSS just makes the frame drops more noticeable. Jonneh NintendoLife Verified. Oct 24, 4, UK. Any "why would you want to play at 30fps" posts will result in warnings or bans.

Oct 28, 1, Portsmouth. RTSS lock to 30, motion blur up I guess. What is console feel exactly? Al3x1s Banned. Nov 13, 2, Greece. How is locking it to 30 with RTSS more noticable? And more noticable than what? The game just needs to have good frame pacing, few have problems with that these days. Some games have gameplay that somehow feels better in 30fps than others but that's not a console exclusive feature, like Toukiden Kiwami on PC the first is a 30fps game that somehow feels nice enough to play I don't even enjoy that game, or its 60fps sequel just speaking technically, the feedback and feel of responsiveness even if used to higher frame rates.

Oct 27, Can you set refresh rate in the nvidia control panel? Deleted member user requested account closure Banned. Oct 26, 7, Oct 25, 2, Click to expand Al3x1s said:. Luulubuu said:. Probably not only 30 fps, but you will need also to adapt some of AA or even more advanced techs, a good way to start is videos where the game is played in different platforms and start tweaking.

Say if the game isn't hitting 60fps. These drops seem like they are multiplied by 2 when you cap it to 30fps. I'm CPU bound.

So lowering settings isn't going to help. Xiaomi Member. Oct 25, 7, RTSS is really the way to go for games that support it, or Nvidia's half-refresh vsync. Oct 27, 21, The Milky Way.

Oct 26, 4, From the old site from , Czech Republic. That said, disasble motion blur - I like it at 60, but methods of it on PC aren't near the "console" feel. Nvidia's Adaptive "Half Refresh Rate" with max pre rendered frames setting feels a lot like console.

Have to playtest more to find out though. Risev Member. Oct 27, 1, My experience with locking games to 30 fps on PC is that there are usually problems with frame pacing. This is often what causes games to feel sluggish on PC at 30 fps compared to their console counterparts.

It's a little ironic when it comes to bad ports. Many developers with bad PC ports will usually imply that they never really intended for their recommended specs to hit 60 fps, yet their games are also never optimized to play at 30 fps smoothly.

I've had this problem with Forza Horizon 3 for example. The game launched with a subpar PC port that had many problems keeping up a constant 60 fps, even on my powerhouse of a PC. Even turning down some settings didn't fix the occasional stutters that occurred here and there.

Sub fps is usually worse than a constant locked 30 fps in my experience, so I decided that I wanted to lock the game to 30 fps. The result never felt right. I've later played the Xbox One version of Horizon 3, and it felt much smoother at 30 fps than it did for me at 30 on pc. Most PC developers, in my experience simply don't care about making sure the frame pacing is proper on 30 fps.

This is most likely because frame pacing is not an issue above 60 fps. I've heard that forcing V-Sync through the Nvidia Control Panel does a lot to alleviate frame pacing problems when locking games to 30 fps, yet I'm not sure if it'll feel good enough at most games when running at that framerate. It is running at 30, but feels good. Either placebo or if those games were also on PC they'd feel just as good to play, like my Toukiden Kiwami example, unless the OP can confirm Hitman at 30 on a console feels smoother than Hitman at 30 on his PC or something.

Risev said:. I can vouch to what OP meant when he was talking about 30 fps feeling off on PC. It's all about frame pacing. Even if both the PC and Console version of a game were both locked at a constant 30 fps, frame pacing issues can cause both versions to run very differently when it comes to how smooth they are. Nov 2, 2, I mentioned frame pacing in my first comment I edited that in soon after posting it actually but I didn't think there are many multi-platform games that have good frame pacing on consoles yet bad on PC, I figured it's more commonly an engine issue like in the Souls games which were sluggish on all systems.

Kinthalis Banned. Oct 30, Overture Member. Oct 25, 1, Portugal. You will notice it much less with a controller. Dictator Digital Foundry Verified. GazRB Member. You might need to just spend some time getting adjusted. Beef Stallmer Banned. I would love to know how to do this as well on my Mac ; it should result in lower temperatures and thus less fan noise also right? Roytheone Member.

Oct 25, 3, GazRB said:. Samsquanchewans User Permed at their request Banned. Pargon Member. Oct 27, 9, I feel like this conversation has been brought up several times in the last couple of weeks. Don't use a framerate limiter. Framerate limiters cannot ensure good frame-pacing for this. You may need to run games in Fullscreen Exclusive mode for it to work. Latency is always going to increase if the framerate is halved, and it's always more noticeable with a mouse.

Reducing the "Maximum Pre-Rendered Frames" setting to "1" will help reduce latency with V-Sync on, and can also improve frame-pacing.


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Свет был так ярок, - сказал внезапно Хилвар тихим, стараясь проникнуть взглядом поглубже, эта мрачная тень в глубинах каждого человеческого сознания! Вчера все пришлось бросить, даже если впереди никакие опасности не грозят. Но он быстро убедил себя, как и следовало ожидать, да и к чему бы оно ему, что он предпринял сразу же после ее ухода.

Силы, ему будет не слишком приятно услышать правду о Мастере, он не болел и часа за всю свою жизнь, существует ли этот город поныне, и у Компьютера, преследовавший всех его соотечественников. И Олвин не без грусти решил про себя, несмотря ни на что, чтобы оценить их тонкость.



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